Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God Raised Your Great Shepherd from the Dead

by John Piper

On January 27, 1980 I preached my candidating sermon at Bethlehem on Philippians 1:20, "It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death." The title was: "Magnifying Christ in Life and Death." On February 13, the church voted 149 to 17 to call me as pastor. My official employment began July 1 and on July 13, 1980 I preached my first message as your pastor. So as I conclude my ministry on March 31, 2013, I have served in this role for 32 years and 9 months.

There are many personal things to say. I spoke 20 of them to the staff on Tuesday. Twenty reasons I am overflowing with thankfulness. I will say some more on April 14 at Grace Church in Eden Prairie. I hope you can come.
But this is the Lord’s day. And it is highest day of the year, Easter Sunday. And this is a service of worship. And it has been our commitment in all these years together to preach not ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord (2 Corinthians 4:5). People ought not to go to church to hear the sentiments or the ideas of a man, but to hear the word of God.

Read the rest here. . . .