Monday, September 23, 2013

The Bigotry of the Chattering Classes

By Richard Winchester
September 23, 2013
American Thinker

When Barack Obama was campaigning for the Democrat Party's presidential nomination in 2008, he spoke to a group of wealthy donors in San Francisco and uttered the "bitter clinger" comment to describe many small-town residents in Pennsylvania. According to Dear Leader -- speaking, so he thought, off-the-record -- small-town Pennsylvanians who have been bypassed by U.S. society grow "bitter," and "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."


Dear Leader's prejudiced comments about small-town Pennsylvanians are akin to the bigoted remarks that members of America's "chattering classes" utter about ordinary Americans on an almost daily basis. Mild as Dear Leader's comments may seem in comparison with snarky statements by such "chatterers" as Bill Maher, David Letterman, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, and Joy Behar -- just to name five more or less at random -- observations like these coming from America's chattering classes reveal just how bigoted they are.


Isn't it ironic that these people who never miss an opportunity to rail against prejudice and bigotry -- provided, of course, that it's directed against individuals and/or groups they favor -- are bigots themselves? It's just that the chatterers' antipathy is directed toward the "right" kind of folks.


Who are the right kind of people (for the chattering classes to slur)? Let's start with white southerners, preferably if they're from small towns or rural areas. Let some white southerner such as Paula Deen admit to uttering the "N-word" decades ago, and the chattering classes land on her like a ton of bricks. The late Senator Robert E. Byrd (D, WVA), on the other hand, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, uttered the N-word, albeit while talking about whites, in a televised interview with the late Tony Snow in 2009, and no one batted an eye. Better yet, perhaps, if a black rapper uses the N-word, the chatterers are full of complements.