Wednesday, October 23, 2013

3 Ways to Unlock the Supernatural in Your Life

By Larry Sparks
2:00PM EDT 10/18/2013              
Charisma Magazine

Recently, while watching an old video clip of Kathryn Kuhlman addressing an audience of students at ORU, I was awestruck by how she opened the service. It was her prayer that really stirred my spirit. This general of the faith who is renown for her powerful, miraculous healing ministry let me in on the secret of her supernatural success.
She introduced the service with prayer, and cried out—"No one in the whole world is as hungry for more than the one who is speaking this morning…every atom of my being is crying out for more. There is so much more." This woman who had seen God do so much right before her very eyes was actually discontent coasting at her present level of revelation and experience. Though she unceasingly celebrated what God did and was doing, she also lived with a very healthy degree of tension that caused her to contend for every bit of "more" that God had made available through the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit.
Right there in Kuhlman's voice, I heard two characteristics that will surely propel us into experiencing the supernatural in increasing measure in both our lives and ministries: Humility and hunger. When given a moment to reflect upon the leaders and spiritual pioneers who have most radically impacted my life, these two categories come up time and time again as common denominators. 
Let me give you three examples of contemporary spiritual leaders who exemplify these essential traits, along with three characteristics we can learn from their approach to God, ministry and revival.